Stairway to Heaven
Actors: Mait Malmsten, Timotheus Sammul, Harriet Toompere, Raivo Trass, Ivo Uukkivi
Movie Details
- Title
- Stairway to Heaven
- Overview
- With his last breath Uu's friend entrusts him with the secret of how to go to the past. Uu is an engineer and doesn't believe in miracles, but the trick works. In the past there is a pleasant, eternal summer, long hair, girls and Jenkki chewing gum. In his real life, it is autumn, his friends are bitter, the girls are married and his father is seriously ill. At the end of the day, however, Uu has to decide in which time to live his life - in the summer of the past or in the autumn of the present.
- Runtime
- 1 h 47 min
- Release Date
- 3 March 2023
- Actors
- Mait Malmsten, Timotheus Sammul, Harriet Toompere, Raivo Trass, Ivo Uukkivi, Rita Raave, Katariina Unt, Voldemar Kuslap, Hannes Hermaküla, Kaie Mihkelson, Külli Teetamm, Tõnu Oja, Kaarel Pogga, Kersti Heinloo, Lena Barbara Luhse, Aurora Aleksandra Künnapas, Taavi Teplenkov, Rasmus Ermel, Pärtel Väärt, Karl Filipp Varres, Guido Kangur, Marta Laan, Sepo Seeman, Aarne Soro, Tiit Sukk, Pirjo Jonas, Piret Simson, Tiit Palu, Tiia Kriisa, Paul Laasik, Indrek Sammul, Andres Lepik, Laur Laja, Liisa Linhein, Kärt Tammjärv, Jaan Mürk, Andrei Ivahnenko, Jüri Lumiste, Hiie Fluss, Anna Elisabeth Leetmäe, Maris Parksepp, Kristo Plovits, Marika Barabanštšikova, Keira Rattur, Dima Bespalov, Jüri Štšetinin, Vivian Vaher, Neinar Seli, Piret Toomvap-Schönberg, Siiri Põlluveer, Siim Kängsepp, Marju Lepp, Kristo Jürmann, Kuldar Mandli, Kristo Viiding, Kristiina Metsanurk, Marika Platonov, Kenno Rand, Eve Niemi, Nina O`Connell, Merike Kangro, Nublu, Anu Lensment, Manfred Vainokivi
- Certification
- —
- Genres
- Drama
- IMDb