Ever Since Eve
Actors: Marion Davies, Robert Montgomery, Frank McHugh, Patsy Kelly, Allen Jenkins
Movie Details
- Title
- Ever Since Eve
- Overview
- Madge Winton (Marion Davies), a beautiful secretary, makes herself look homely in order to avoid advances by lecherous bosses. When her new employer, writer Freddy Matthews (Robert Montgomery), accidentally sees her without her disguise, she has to pretend to be her roommate Sadie.
- Runtime
- 1 h 20 min
- Release Date
- 15 July 1937
- Actors
- Marion Davies, Robert Montgomery, Frank McHugh, Patsy Kelly, Allen Jenkins, Louise Fazenda, Barton MacLane, Marcia Ralston, Frederick Clarke, Arthur Hoyt, Mary Treen, Harry Hayden, Pierre Watkin, John T. Murray, William B. Davidson, Don Barclay, Fern Barry, Harry C. Bradley, Allan Cavan, Spencer Charters, Don Downen, Frank Faylen, Jerry Fletcher, Bess Flowers, Charley Foy, Florence Gill, Robert Homans, Anderson Lawler, Jack Mower, Hal Neiman, Wendell Niles, Pat O'Malley, Frank Orth, Henry Otho, Joseph Romantini, Frank Shannon, John Shelton, Claudia Simmons, Paul Stewart, Gertrude Sutton, Perc Teeple, Don Turner, Minerva Urecal, Dorothy Ward, Pat West, Huey White, Jack Wise
- Certification
- Approved
- Genres
- Comedy, Romance
- IMDb